File BCA: Board Member Code of Ethics


Having accepted the challenge of service on the M.S.A.D. No. 75 Board of Directors, Board members accept the principles set forth in the following code of ethics to guide them in helping to provide a quality education to all the children of M.S.A.D. No. 75.

A. Board members view service on the Board of Directors as an opportunity to serve their community, state, and nation based on the belief that public education is the best means to promote the welfare of our people and to preserve our democratic way of life.

B. Board members will at all times think of children first and base decisions on how those decisions will affect children, their education, and their training.

C. Board members will make no disparaging remarks, in or outside Board meetings, about other members of the Board or their opinions.

D. Board members will remember at all times that as an individual each has no legal authority outside the meetings of the Board and will conduct relationships with the school staff, the local citizenry, and in all methods of communications on the basis of this fact.

E. Board members recognize that their responsibility is not to operate the schools but to see that they are well operated.

F. Board members will seek to provide an education for all children in the community commensurate with their needs and abilities.

G. Board members will listen to all citizens but will refer all complaints to the proper authorities, and will discuss such complaints only at a regular meeting after the administrative solution proves unsatisfactory.

H. Board members will support a decision graciously once it has been made by the majority of the Board.

I. Board members will not criticize employees publicly, but will make such criticism to the Superintendent for investigation and action, if necessary.

J. Board members will make decisions openly after all facts bearing on a question have been presented and discussed.


K. Board members will refuse to make promises as to how they will vote on a matter that should properly come before the Board as a whole. 

L. Board members will not discuss the confidential business of the Board at home, on the street, at work, online, or in any other location.  The place for such discussion is in executive session.

M. Board members will confine Board action to policy making, planning, and appraisal, leaving the administration of the schools to the Superintendent.

N. Board members will welcome and encourage cooperation and participation by teachers, administrators, and other personnel in developing policies that affect their welfare and that of the children they serve.

O. Board members will endeavor at all times to see that schools have adequate financial support within the capabilities of the community and state, in order that every child may receive the best possible education.

P. Board members will resist every temptation and outside pressure to use their position as a School Board member to benefit themselves or any individual or agency apart from the total interest of M.S.A.D. No. 75.

Q. It is the expectation of the Board that members be in regular attendance at Board meetings, Special Board meetings, workshops and committee meetings.  The Board also recognizes the importance of fulfilling the responsibilities of their positions as elected officials.  Board members will endeavor to attend meetings, recognizing that their presence means representation for their town.  

If a member of the Board is unable to attend meetings on a regular basis, that Board member is expected to consult with the Chair of the Board or Committee about continuing in the position.

R. Board members will recognize at all times that the School Board of M.S.A.D. No. 75 is an agent of the State, and as such, that they will abide by the laws of the State and the regulations formulated by the Maine Department of Education and by the State Board of Education.


S. Board members will make every effort to be informed and knowledgeable about the issues facing the school community.

Cross Reference: BBBDA - Absences From Board Meetings and Workshops

FIRST READING: September 28, 2006 
SECOND READING: October 12, 2006 
ADOPTION: October 12, 2006 
RE-CODED: March 20, 2014
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