File IHA: Basic Instructional Program (Elementary)


M.S.A.D. No. 75 in Grades K-8 shall have a curriculum that is aligned with the Maine Learning Results and which provides all students with opportunities to meet the performance standards of the Maine Learning Results (Maine Regulation 131) within their appropriate grade span as determined by the M.S.A.D. No. 75 Comprehensive Assessment Plan.  Career education will be provided effective 2006 contingent upon State funding.

Students will be provided sufficient opportunities to learn the above curriculum standards and will be provided with multiple and alternative assessments of their achievement to determine their success.

Promotion of students by grade level will be determined in part by performance on assessments that gauge student achievement of the State standards as determined by grade level or grade level span.  The principal of each school will determine the value of prior education of those students who transfer into their school from another state or from an educational program that is not required to meet the standards of Maine’s Learning Results.  These students will only be held accountable for assessments of performance standards they encounter upon entering the M.S.A.D. No. 75 schools.

FIRST READING:                                          October 8, 1987
SECOND READING:                                      October 20, 1987
ADOPTION:                                                  October 20, 1987
FIRST READING OF AMENDMENTS:            May 8, 2003
ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS:                    May 22, 2003
RE-CODED FROM IGA TO IHA:                    March 28, 2013

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