File IICA: Extended Field Trips


Unique Field Trips

The M.S.A.D. No. 75 Board of Directors believes that field trips and field experiences play an important role in the education of children. The Board encourages teachers to provide students with experiences outside the classroom that enhance the learning experience.  District students should, as much as possible, be afforded equal access to these field experiences which need to be well-organized, manageable and affordable.

The Board of Directors discourages field trips requiring extensive travel, extended absence from school and/or excessive costs. Field trips requiring more than one night away from home, or of a unique nature in destination or activity, or involving Board costs such as substitute teachers, will be referred to the Superintendent of Schools for both approval in principle and final approval. Field trips exceeding 75 miles (one way) also require the approval of the Superintendent.  Because field trips disrupt the regular schedule for the students, taking time away from studies not related to the trip, approved field trips must show significant educational benefit and their tie to district curriculum. School administration will serve as a point of coordination and scheduling for trips to ensure that disruption is minimized, equity is maximized, curriculum areas are fairly represented and all trips fit appropriately into the fabric of the school.

The field trips that fall under this policy are inclusive of any field trip or field experience organized or fostered by a District employee involving District students – they include but are not limited to trips organized by the school and trips organized by organizations outside the school under an agreement with an employee.  Every effort will be made by schools to ensure equitable opportunities for students and sensitivity to competing program demands.

Students and employees on field trips are representatives of M.S.A.D. No. 75 and as such are held to standards of conduct established by the School District.  The District has established rules of conduct for students and adults traveling on school-sponsored trips which are to be followed on all field trips.  Student and employee behaviors not in keeping with these rules will be subject to sanctions imposed by the school administration according to behavioral codes.

Approval in Principle

Approval in principle must be received before announcement to parents and students and the beginning of fund-raising activities. Requests for approval in principle must include:

(a)  a statement of educational objectives of the trip
(b)  a proposed budget including costs to students and sources of finance
(c)  an estimate of the number of students participating
(d)  a general plan or schedule for the trip
Final Approval

Requests for final approval must include:
(1)  a detailed itinerary of the trip including educational activities, accommodations and travel arrangements
(2)  a plan for adult supervision
(3)  a detailed budget including receipts and disbursements anticipated
(4)  assurance that the above details have been provided to parents and that written approval for the trip has been gained from each parent involved on a form prescribed by the Board of Directors


Ability of a student to pay costs of the trip must not be a factor in determining participation in trips involving school time.  Schools may organize voluntary field trips outside school time in which student ability to pay is a factor in determining participation.


Arrangements for supervision of students on extended field trips are subject to approval by the Superintendent and school principal.  Teachers sponsoring field trips will work with their building principals or supervisors to determine the adequate number.  Parents will be encouraged to serve as chaperones.  A balance will be struck between employee and parent/community volunteers, with an eye to the disruption and cost of employee chaperones.  All chaperones will be given guidelines of their responsibilities and procedures for extenuating circumstances with the understanding that these guidelines will be consistently applied. 

ADOPTED:                                                       April 25, 1985
AMENDED:                                                      September 26, 1991
ADOPTION:                                                     October 10, 1991
FIRST READING OF AMENDMENTS:            October 20, 2005
SECOND READING OF AMENDMENTS:       November 3, 2005
ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS:                     November 3, 2005
FIRST READING OF AMENDMENTS:            March 10, 2011
ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS:                     March 24, 2011
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