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Maine School Administrative District 75
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Elementary School
42 Barrows Drive, Topsham, ME 04086
Main Office Hours: 7:45am - 4:15pm
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Bowdoin Central School
Bowdoinham Community School
Harpswell Community School
Williams-Cone Elementary
Woodside Elementary
Mt. Ararat Middle School
Mt. Ararat High School
Region 10 Technical High School
News and Updates
District Calendars and Events
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Facilities & Projects
Mt. Ararat Middle School Building Envelope Project
Water Testing Lead Samples
RFQ - Woodside Renovation Project
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We are an equal opportunity provider
Meal Charging Procedure
District Wellness Policy
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Transportation Team
Teaching and Learning
Elementary Teaching and Learning in MSAD No. 75
Gifted and Talented
Learning Standards
Performance Evaluation & Professional Growth (PEPG)
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
Special Education
M.S.A.D. No. 75 Maine Autism Leadership Team (MALT)
State Assessment FAQs
What is Response to Intervention?
What is Title IA?
Health & Wellness
Health & Wellness
District Nursing Services
Anaphylaxis Response Training
Asthma Care
Diabetes Care
Head Injuries
Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
Seizure Care
Guidelines for Staying Home
MTA Eagle's Nest School Based Health Center
Food Services
Health Education
Mental Health
Community Forum 6-21-22
Summer Resources 2022
Physical Education & Physical Activity
Emergency Preparedness Guide
Maine Crisis Hotlines
Member Assistance Program
Maine 211
Bloodborne Pathogens
Head Injuries
Anaphylaxis Response Training
Slips, Trips and Falls
Authorization for Release of Information
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education
Merrymeeting Adult Education
Orion Performing Arts Center
Region 10 Technical High School
Trust for our Future
Town Websites
School Board
School Board Policies
School Board Agendas & Minutes
School Board Calendar
Members and Minutes
Student Portal
MSAD 75 Google Drive
Student Registration
PreK Registration
Superintendent's Agreement Request Form
Health & Wellness
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GT/Maine Gateways
Infinite Campus Parent Portal
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Superintendent's Office
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Bowdoin Central School
Bowdoinham Community School
Harpswell Community School
Williams-Cone Elementary
Woodside Elementary
Mt. Ararat Middle School
Mt. Ararat High School
Region 10 Technical High School
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School Board
School Board Policies
Section J: Students
File JC: Topsham Elementary School Residence Enrollment Policy
File JEA: Compulsory Attendance
File JEAA-R: Procedures for Student Attendance/Student Absences and Tardiness
File JEAA: Student Attendance/Student Absences and Tardiness
File JEB: Entrance Age
File JEC: School Admissions
File JECA: Pupils: Admission of Resident Students
File JECDA: Assignment of Students To Classes – Five-Year-Olds
File JEDB: Pupils: Student Dismissal Precautions
File JFA: Student Protection From Harassment
File JFAB: Admission of Non-resident Students
File JFABB: Admission of Non-immigrant Foreign Students
File JFABD: Admission of Homeless Students
File JFC: Dropout Prevention Student Withdrawal from School
File JFCF: Hazing
File JFCI: Substance Abuse Policy – Employees
File JFCIAA: Student Assistance Team
File JFCK-R: Rules for Employee and Student Use of Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices
File JFCK: Employee and Student Use of Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices
File JFF: Married Students – Pregnant Students
File JFG: Questioning and Searches of Students
File JGAB: Assignment of Students to Classes: Transfer Students and Home School Students
File JGB: Pupils: Detention of Students
File JHB-R: Truancy Procedures
File JHB: Truancy
File JHCA: Physical Examinations
File JHCBA: Employee Exclusion During Public Health Threat
File JHCC-R: Communicable Diseases: Human Immunodeficiency Virus Guidelines
File JHCDA: Food Allergies
File JHCDD: Automatic External Defibrillator Policy
File JHCE: School Based Health Center
File JHCF: Student Vending Machine Policy
File JICH-R: Procedures for Implementation of Student Substance Use Policy
File JICH: Student Substance Use
File JICIA: Weapons
File JICK-E1: Bullying and Cyberbullying Reporting Form
File JICK-E2: Bullying and Cyberbullying Responding Form
File JICK-E3: Bullying and Cyberbullying Remediation Form
File JICK-R: Bullying Procedures
File JICK: Student Protection From Bullying
File JJE: Student/Parent Fund Raising Activities
File JJIAA-E-1--E-4: Student Activities Forms Exhibits (PDF)
File JJIAA: Private School Students: Access to Public School Co-Curricular
File JJIAAB: Charter School Students- Access to Public Schools Interscholastic and Extracurricular Activities
File JJIF-E: Concussion Information Sheet
File JJIF-R: Procedure for Management of Concussions and Other Head Injuries
File JJIF: Management of Concussions and Other Head Injuries
File JK: Student Discipline
File JKAA-R: Procedures on Physical Restraint and Seclusion
File JKAA: Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion
File JKD: Suspension of Students
File JKE: Expulsion of Students
File JKF: Disciplinary Removal of Students with Disabilities
File JL: Wellness
File JLCD-R: Administering Medicines to Students
File JLCD: Medication Policy
File JLD: Guidance and Counseling
File JLDBG: Reintegration of Students from Juvenile Correctional Facilities
File JLF-E : Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect Form
File JLF: Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
File JLFA: Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Response
File JOA: Records of Students’ Residency
File JRA-E: Notification of Rights Under FERPA
File JRA-R Student Education Records and Information Administrative Procedure
File JRA: Student Education Records and Information
File JLCB: Immunization of Students
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File JJIAAB: Charter School Students- Access to Public Schools Interscholastic and Extracurricular Activities
Maine School Administrative District 75
School Board
School Board Policies
Section J: Students
File JJIAAB: Charter School Students- Access to Public Schools Interscholastic and Extracurricular Activities
The Board recognizes that Maine Law sets standards for access to public school interscholastic and extracurricular activities by students enrolled in charter schools. It is the Board’s intention to include charter school students in these activities when there is capacity to do so.
For the purpose of this policy, “student enrolled in a charter school” means a student enrolled in a Maine public charter school whose custodial parent or legal guardian resides in M.S.A.D. No. 75 or who withdrew from M.S.A.D. No. 75 for the purpose of attending the charter school.
Participation in Extracurricular Activities
“Extracurricular activities,” for the purpose of this policy, are school-sponsored activities for which participants are selected by staff supervising the activities, including those teams, both athletic and academic, that participate in interscholastic competition.
A student enrolled in a charter school as defined in this policy is eligible to try out for extracurricular and interscholastic activities sponsored by M.S.A.D. No. 75 provided that the following requirements are met/satisfied:
The student applies for and receives written approval from the Superintendent/designee, who may withhold such approval only if the school does not have the capacity to provide the student with the opportunity to participate in the extracurricular or interscholastic activity.
The student agrees to abide by equivalent rules of participation as are applicable to regularly-enrolled students participating in the activity and provides evidence that the rules of participation are being met.
The student complies with the same physical examination, immunization, insurance, age, and semester eligibility requirements as regularly-enrolled students participating in the activity. All required documentation must be made available upon request.
The student meets equivalent academic standards as those established for regularly-enrolled students participating in the activity and provides evidence that the academic standards are being met.
The student abides by the same transportation policy as regularly-enrolled students participating in the activity.
The student pays the same fees as regularly-enrolled students to participate in the activity.
The charter school the student attends does not provide the same extracurricular or interscholastic activity.
The charter school agrees to pay a reasonable share of M.S.A.D. No. 75’s costs for the activity.
The Superintendent/designee will be responsible for approving or withholding approval of applications to participate in an extracurricular activity. The Superintendent/designee may withhold approval only if the school does not have the capacity to provide the student with the opportunity to participate in the extracurricular activity.
The school does not have capacity to provide a charter school student the opportunity to participate in an extracurricular activity when all available slots or positions for the activity are taken by regularly-enrolled students. A student enrolled in M.S.A.D. No. 75 schools will not be denied the opportunity to participate in favor of a student enrolled in a charter school.
If approval is withheld, the Superintendent/designee will provide a written explanation to the student or the student’s parent/guardian stating the reason for the decision.
The criteria for selection of participants shall be determined by the staff members (coaches, advisors and their supervisors) responsible for the activities. Participation will be subject to capacity, and eligibility to try out does not guarantee participation.
Decisions resulting in non-selection of individual students shall not be subject to appeal or reconsideration unless they are in violation of Law or Board policy.
Verification of Eligibility
To permit verification that the student has met eligibility requirements under this policy, the student’s parent (or the student, if 18 years old) must authorize the charter school to provide to the Superintendent/designee all information necessary to determine whether the student meets the requirements.
Delegation of Authority
In order to maintain an efficient and orderly method for processing applications for participation, the Board authorizes the Superintendent/designee to develop procedures, as appropriate, for use in determining whether students have met eligibility requirements and for granting or withholding approval of participation.
M.S.A.D. No. 75 has no obligation to notify or provide information concerning eligibility for participation in school-sponsored interscholastic or extracurricular activities to students enrolled in charter schools.
Legal Reference: 20-A MRSA §§2415
Cross Reference: KL – Complaints
FIRST READING: June 25, 2015
SECOND READING: July 9, 2015
ADOPTION: July 9, 2015
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