The Woodside Partnership is a great way to become involved in your child's school life.
Monthly Business Meetings
Do you want to strengthen the ties between home and school? Are you interested in recognizing and supporting our teaching staff? Do you want to help provide enrichment for our students? Then our monthly business meetings might be a great way for you to interact with and plan with other parents and staff who like to see events come to life at Woodside Elementary School. Our business meetings focus on brief updates of open action items, new agenda items, planning and organization.
Roll up your sleeves and come see what its all about.
Meeting Dates/Times and Teacher Representation:
2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 - 7:45 PM (9/8, 10/13, 11/10, 12/8, 1/12, 2/9, 3/8, 4/12, 5/10, 6/14)
- Subcommittees may be formed to plan events, etc. These subcommittees may meet at other times and report back to the main group at these meetings.
- Partnership values having teacher representation at each meeting - one teacher will be a formal representative to Partnership (with possible stipend). Barbara Morrill (Grade 1) will be the teacher representative to Partnership for the 2015 - 2016 year.
Meeting Notes: Summer Partnership Meeting Minutes , School Year 2015-2016 Partnership Minutes
Partnership Events Round Up*
Here's the spot to find out about your favorite Woodside Events.
Community and Enrichment Event Calendar (Check back here for updates)
Year at a glance 2015-2016
- 8/26 Ice Cream Social 8/26 Kindergarten only
- 8/27 Ice Cream Social 8/27 Grades 1-5 only
- 8/31 Boo-Hoo, Woo-Hoo Breakfast 8/31 8:45-9:30 in the cafeteria (parents only - non school age kids o.k., too)
- 9/5+6 "Stuff the Bus" at Topsham McDonald's (School Supply Drive for Kids)
- 9/8, Partnership Meeting 6:30-7:45 p.m.
- 9/10 Walk and Bike to School Day
- 9/11 Muffins with Mom, 9/11 @8:00 - Bring your kids, Frosty's donuts and fruit on hand!! When they're gone, they're gone!
- 9/17 Walk and Bike to School Day
- 9/18 Donuts with Dad, 9/18 @ 8:00 - Bring your kids, Frosty's donuts and fruit on hand!! When they're gone, they're gone!
- 9/24 Walk and Bike to School Day
- 9/27 "Woodside Cup" Golf Scramble (At Mere Creek G.C.) (E-mail: Eric Pulsifer to play)
- 11/1 Woodside Family Disc-Golf Scramble (12:00 p.m. start.)
- 11/7 Annual Pie Run and Breakfast (This year a classroom basket raffle will also be held!)
- 11/10, Partnership Meeting 6:30-7:45 p.m.
- 11/16-11/23 Book Fair
- 11/23 Late Night Conference Dinner Support for Teachers
- November Wreath Sale (Dates TBD)
- 12/4 Wreath Sales Pick Up - Hot Cocoa, lights and Cheer!
- 12/8, Partnership Meeting 6:30-7:45 p.m.
- 12/9 7 pm Winter Concert (Silent dessert auction and center piece pick-up)
- 12/16 10:15 a.m. Woodside Spelling Bee - Grades 3-5
- 1/12, Partnership Meeting 6:30-7:45 p.m.
- 1/22 Parent Coffee house and Kid Movie Night
- 1/27 10:15 a.m. Woodside Geo Bee
- 2/9, Partnership Meeting 6:30-7:45 p.m.
- (Date TBD) Mt. Everest Base Camp
- 5th grade fundraiser TBD
- 3/5 Woodside One Wheeler Saturday Bazaar
- 3/8, Partnership Meeting 6:30-7:45 p.m.
- 3/11 Woodside One Wheeler Community Performance - Mt Ararat High School Gym
- 4/12, Partnership Meeting 6:30-7:45 p.m.
- (Date TBD) Spring Buy One Get One Free Book Fair
- (Date TBD) MEA State Testing Window
- 5/2-6 Teacher Appreciation Week
- Spring Walk and Bike to School days TBD
- 5/4 Teacher Appreciation Breakfast
- 5/10, Partnership Meeting 6:30-7:45 p.m.
- TBD Variety Show
- 5/20-5/22 W.O.W. Trip to WV Strawberry Festival
- Spring Walk and Bike to School days TBD
- 5th grade Boston Field Trip TBD
- 6/14 Partnership Meeting 6:30-7:45 p.m.
- June 8-10* Field Days (Special programs, 2-5, K-1 - if four or more snow days, June 15-17)
- June 11* Family Fun Concert (Placeholder - Snow Date June 18th)
- June 14th (Pending Snow Days) Last Day of School - 4th and 5th grade celebration - Teacher Luncheon
On-Going Enrichment Activities -
(See your classroom teacher's newsletters, web site or back-pack mail for classroom specific details.)
The 2015-2016 Woodside Partnership wants to support each grade level to attend at least one unique field trip this year - subject to budget constraints.
- Grade K - TBD
- Grade 1 - Trip to Wolfe's Neck Farm (Date TBD - Early Nov, 2015)
- Grade 2 - Trip to Jellerson School (Date TBD - Spring 2016)
- Grade 3 - Trip to Osher Map Library - USM Portland
- Grade 4 - Trip to Region Ten Career Tech Inst. (Spring TBD)
- Grade 5 - Trip to Boston (Date TBD Spring 2016)
Other Supported Enrichment Activities
- Grades K-5 Mad Science at Woodside Sponsorship (On-going - details to be sent home with class mail.)
- Grades 2-5 Lego Club (Friday Mornings)
- Grades 4-5 Intramural Sports (Seasonal offerings announced by Mr. Pulsifer, PE Teacher)
- Grades 5 Instrumental Music Offerings (TBD By Mrs. Powers)
- Grades 4-5 Woodside Chorus and Maine Refrain Special Chorus (TBD by Mr. Olsen-Pietrowski)
- Grades 3-5 Woodside One Wheelers (Mondays and Thursdays TBD by Mr. Pulsifer)
- Grades 2-12 Woodside One Wheeler Vacation Camps (February and Summer)
- Grade 4-5 Riverview Field Trips and Outreach (On-Going, Classroom teacher will announce details)
- Grades 2-5 Cathance River Education Alliance (CREA) Field Trips and Outreach (On-Going, Classroom teacher will announce details)
- Grades K-2 Song Writing Workshops with Matt Loosigian (TBD Spring 2016)
- Pre-K Woodside Cub Club (Jan-June 2016)
- Family Fun Concert Featuring String Tide (June 2016)
- Title One Math Club - Afterschool - By Teacher Recommendation
- Think Stretch Summer Programming (June - Aug 2016)
- Title One Summer Club (August 2016)
Holiday Gifts / Gift Wrap / Magazine Sale (10/19-10/30) - Classroom Basket Raffle - Wreath Sales(Nov-Dec) - Silent Dessert Auction at Winter Concert (Dec 9th) - Wilbur's Chocolates Sales (Winter) - Woodside's Wicked Joe (On Going) - Seed Sales (February) School Store (On-Going)
Teacher and Staff Appreciation
Welcome Back Week Coffee and Treats for Teachers (8/31-9/4 2015)
Bus Driver Appreciation Week (Oct 2015)
November Late Night Conference Dinner 11/23
Holiday Breakfast 12/16
Wellness Visits from Slocum Chiropractic (On-Going)
Holiday Breakfast for Teacher (Dec 2015)
March Conference Dinner TBD
Teacher Appreciation Week 5/2-6 2016
End of Year Staff Luncheon 6/14 (or Snow Date TBD)